If you have an interest in information about the Energy Pipe Mill Industry in North America, we are now pleased to announce that AIM Market Research now has a new affiliation with Energy Tubular Data Resources. As a result, we can offer you the first issue of a report entitled Energy Pipe Mill Capacity/Utilization”. We plan to publish and issue this report on a quarterly basis.

The Q1 2023 report is now available at a cost of $300.

Once you purchase this report, we will keep you informed when the next issue is available. 

This report has been prepared by Geoff O’Donnell of Energy Tubular Data Resources. Geoff has been in the industry for 45 years, in various capacities for Wheatland Tube and as the Manager of Wheatland’s Energy Business Group from 2008 until retiring in June of 2021.

Geoff has made frequent presentations at numerous metal industry conferences, such as the NASPD’s Annual Conference presenting similar information. He is currently an independent consultant. Here is a snapshot of what is in this report: